Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers. Millions of new cases are diagnosed and reported worldwide each year. As the consequences of prostate cancer can be severe, early detection is essential for the successful treatment of prostate cancer. One of the screening methods is the PSA test and this method is used by healthcare professionals all around the world. In this blog, we'll delve into prostate cancer screening and focus on the PSA test and its importance.
What are Prostate Tumors?
Cancer is the result of abnormal cell growth, which can severely affect the body’s normal cell function. Cancerous cells can make it harder for the body to work as it should and lead to internal malfunctions. Prostate cancer can generally develop when abnormal cells form and grow in the prostate gland. Although not all abnormal growths or tumors are cancerous, it is important to consider PSA testing to determine whether the condition is concerning.
What is the PSA Test?
PSA stands for Prostate-Specific Antigen. It is a protein produced by the prostate gland and causes abnormal cell growth. The PSA test helps with the measurement of the level of protein in a person’s blood. If the PSA level is higher, it can indicate various prostate issues, including prostate cancer. However, it is always safe to note that a high PSA level doesn't definitively diagnose cancer. One should always consult with a doctor for further investigation.
Importance of Prostate Specific Antigen or PSA Testing :
Early Detection: The prime advantage of PSA screening is that this test can help detect prostate cancer early and provide enough time to treat it. When you are able to identify cancer before it spreads beyond the prostate gland, you can ensure better treatment outcomes and faster recovery.
Monitoring: PSA testing can monitor changes in PSA levels over time and give you peace of mind. If you notice a consistent increase in PSA levels, you may have to consider the need for further evaluation, including a prostate biopsy.
Informed Decision-Making: PSA screening is a major step to gather valuable information that allows individuals and their doctors to make informed decisions about their prostate health. It helps identify patients who are at higher risk and may need closer monitoring and intervention.
Risk Reduction: When you can detect and treat prostate cancer early, you can significantly mitigate the risk of the condition progressing to an advanced stage. So, you will be able to treat the problem before it can be more challenging to treat.

How is PSA Testing Done:
Prostate cancer can be easily diagnosed with a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test, a digital rectal examination (DRE), or a prostate ultrasound. With PSA blood test kits, healthcare professionals measure the amount of PSA in the blood. They also perform digital rectal examinations to help doctors feel the prostate for any bumps or lumps, which are often a sign of a cancerous prostate.
The RightSign PSA Test is a semi-quantitative rapid test that can help in the process of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level detection in whole blood, serum, and plasma.
Rapid antigen test kits can indicate various prostate conditions, including inflammation, enlargement, and tumors. Moreover, the RightSign PSA Test can help in the early detection of prostate tumors and the result can be used in routine annual cancer screenings.
POC Diagnostics is a trusted provider of a wide variety of diagnostic kits with quality assurance and competitive price guarantees. We offer accessible, accurate, and reliable point-of-care medical testing solutions to individuals and healthcare professionals to help them make informed decisions faster and ensure better health outcomes.
Are you planning to buy PSA testing kits for prostate tumor tests? Visit our website today and place an order for the rapid antigen test kits!